Friends in High Places
Year: 2015
Editon: 25
Size: 18 x 15 x 9 (h x w x d, inches)
Friends in High Places depicts a team of hard-working stock handlers. A fine horse and a good dog make long days working cattle in the high country a pleasure.

The Gopher Hunters
Year: 2011
Editon: 25
Size: 7 x 7 x 12 (h x w x d, inches)
Three companions amuse themselves digging in a gopher hole.When we were children our days were spent outdoors playing with our pets and making fun with the world around us.

Eye of the Storm
Year: 2017
Editon: 24
Size: (h x w x d, inches)
Bull Riding, rodeo's most dangerous sport, is an eight second contest between man and beast. The vigorous twisting and spinning motion of a powerful bucking bull is truly a storm.

Lead Team
Year: 2017
Size: 23 x 22 x 20 (h x w x d, inches)
A chuckwagon is pulled by a team of four thoroughbred horses. The lead team. the ones in front, are usually the fastest, leading the way around the barrels and thundering down the track.

Legendary Lawman
Year: 2017
Editon: 24
Size: 14.5 x 5 x 7 (h x w x d, inches)
In the style of Wyatt Earp, this sheriff is deadly serious about keeping the peace. He is wearing tied down pistols and carrying a 30-30 rifle nicknamed 'The Legendary Lawman.'
Sixty Inch Trail
Year: 2004
Editon: 25
Size: 31 x 25 x 23 (h x w x d, inches)
"We cut the trail for sixty inches but the moose was sixty six." A poem written by one of our guides, Sixty Inch Trail tells a story of a moose hunt with a huge trophy animal being the final result.

That'll Do
Year: 2016
Editon: 25
Size: 5 x 4 x 2 (h x w x d, inches)
Nearly every ranch in my neighbourhod has at least one of these keen little cowhands watching over the yard and the stock. Clever and ambitious, Border Collies are an essential part of the team when handling range cattle.

The Old Rugged Cross
Year: 2002
Editon: 25
Size: 20 x 5 x 10 (h x w x d, inches)
Inspired by a poem that my Father wrote about 'A man on a horse on top of a ridge in the greatest church of them all' this sculpture depicts a rider and his horse making their way down a rocky slope with an ancient tree in the shape of a cross behind them.